Color Photo - All's Fair


Color Photo
2020, Telugu

Directed by Sandeep Raj

Stars Chandini Chowdary, Suhas, Sunil, Viva Harsha

Mohan's Measure ✱ ✱ ✱

A Sanskrit word used for caste in Vedas is "varna," meaning color.  How this was used by later migrants to take over and redefine the once vast Tamil civilization is a story unto itself.  How it plays out, even in 21st Century India, is the subject of this movie.  The movie tells the tale of a romance forbidden not because of economic differences, language differences, or even caste differences.  The violence, the verbal abuse, and the intense pain and disillusionment is caused merely because of skin color. 

Both Ms. Chowdary and Mr. Suhas should be given due credit for their natural performance in this role, even though at times the chemistry between them feels slightly forced.  All the more credit should be given to comedian Sunil for playing a villainous role so well, we actually feel like beating him over the head with a blunt object.

The problem with the plot is that it is heavy-handed, with overt scenes of emotion augmented by brutal scenes of violence.  We find ourselves squirming, wondering not only when all this will end, but also whether it is actually a part of rural life in India.  My bet is that it is.

My bet too, though, is one would be hard pressed to find a city girl like Ms. Chowdary among its ranks. But, one thing can be said.  Color Photo is not trying to pretend to be anything other than a rural love story with a strong message.  There are no dreamy song sequences in exotic ports of call, or comedians with city-bred jokes about country life. This is a story about a real place and believable characters.  And for that, it is worth the watch.


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