Sriramudinta Srikrishnudanta - "Soft wear" engineering


Sriramudinta Srikrishnudanta 
Telugu, 2017

Directed by  Naresh Penta

Stars Deepthi Setti, Sekhar Varma, Madhusudhan Rao, Geethanjali

Mohan's Meause

This year of Covid has made it possible for low-budget films and B-actors to come to the forefront on OTT.  But, this has brought great risk to an audience eager to spend an evening watching something worthwhile.

Andhra Pradesh's romance with small town farming communities finds weak support, however, in Sriramudinta Srikrishnudanta.  The story is a slow-paced, overtly sentimental story which uses a unique, but hardly believable, McGuffin to bring a young man and woman together in a lovely village setting under the care of a strong, silent, working class philosopher. 

Mr. Rao plays this character to syrupy do-gooder-ness, and frankly, it is irritating.  He seems to understand everything which comes his way, remaining unperturbed by the fact that the man he takes in as a son cheated him out of a whole lot of money.

What to speak of the fact that his daughter, whom they guy used as a pawn in getting this money is now falling in love with the very same con artist.

It seems the director wanted to use a lot of unusual subplots to make us fall in love with village life. But, couldn't village life alone have done the trick?


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