Onbathu Kuzhi Sampath - losing your marbles

Onbathu Kuzhi Sampath 
2020, Tamil

Director - Ja. Raghupathy

Stars Maharaja, Nikhila Vidal. Appukutty

Mohan's Measure

Good acting can certainly be found in smaller budget movies, and Onbathu Kuzhi Sampath is no exception.  Playing star-crossed lovers, Mr. Maharaja and Ms. Nikhila present us with the natural emotions of small town folk.

But, good acting can do nothing without a good story, and it is here where Writer/Director Raghupathy's movie fails miserably.  It seems to want a nostalgic image of South Tamil Nadu by showing images of the ancient marble game. But, it is unable to prevent itself from falling into melodrama and tragedy. By the time the movie ends, we don't know what to make of the movie, or ourselves for watching it.

Don't fall into the rabbit hole in picking this one to watch.


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