Peranbu - Nature's Ways


2018, Malayalam

Director - Ram

Stars - Mammooty, Sadhana, Anjali, Anjali Ameer

Mohan's Measure ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

Nature's ways know no bounds.  As such, we are caught in a seeming tidal wave of never-ending and often unexpected circumstances, which make us long for a Permanence yet to be known.  But, the road to that Permanence requires our redemption, and such can only be found in the very Nature we are trying to escape.

Peranbu is by far one of the best movies to be made in a decade.  It is poignant, thought-provoking, and at times, heartbreaking.  But, it is moves along slowly and delicately, vignettes of a single father struggling to care for a child with cerebral palsy, while contending with questions of his own masculinity and self-worth.

While Mammooty is brilliant here, he stands second to the awe-striking performance of Ms. Shraddha.  Her portrayal of Papa brings her soul to light; her words are little more than sounds, and her movements are a struggle with pain.  I found this young woman's acting profound, on a scale we rarely see in young stars today.

Another fine performance is offered by Ms. Ameer.  She is one of ill repute.  But, she has not lost hope to living.  Her eyes light up at seeing the darling young girl who needs to be cared for; her face blushes at the thought of someone loving her.  And, in the closing scene, she offers the knowing intelligence and pride that she has found her place in life and is truly loved.

The film offers no violence or lewdness.  It is, however, an adult film with a mature ending.  As such parents should expect a few questions afterward.  But, that, after all, is Nature's way.


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