Point Blank - Double trouble

Point Blank
Telugu, 2021

Director - VV SG

Stars - Abhinaya Krishna, Heena, Eerojulo Sai

Mohan's Measure

Point Blank is yet another brand new film on Amazon; which makes us long for when we go back to the movie theater, so at least we can have the satisfaction of being able to walk out when the movie is this bad.

Abhinaya Krishna, aka Adhire Abhi, is given a dual in this psychological thriller, making us to wonder who was the mental case who gave him this chance. His bad acting is augmented by a nasally voice-over. In some ways it is likable, when compared to the grating plot.

If anyone is taking themselves seriously, it is Ms. Heena playing a loyal junior cop who wants to prove her might.

But try as she and the rest of the cast might, nothing can save a story which borrows from a whole bunch of others, only to never quite get it to piece together right.

Point blank may as well be renamed "mind blank."


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