Mandela - coconuts and road rollers


Tamil, 2021

Director: Madonne Ashwin

Stars: Yogi Babu, Sheela Rajkumar, Sangili Murugan, G M Sundar, Kanna Ravi

Mohan's Measure ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

The village of Soorangudi has created its own Mason-Dixon line, with the Northerners and Southerners divided because of a dispute between step-brothers.  Their old dad is only concerned about the town, and wants to put an end to the misery. He calls for vote, which winds up in a split, with the deciding vote lying in the hands of a simple, uneducated barber whom someone has dubbed, "Mandela."

Yogi Babu plays this man with simplicity and a level of dramatic skill which up until now, has not been part of his trademark.  He plays out the title character like Gary Cooper did in Meet John Doe, simple but clever, concerned about people but not saying no to a fast buck.

His conscience is Thenmozhi, an attractive and educated young woman from a nearby city who came to the village to establish its only bank.  She dubs this nameless guy with a name, and eventually gives him purpose.  That this happens with only the slightest hint of romance adds to the intelligence of this clever film.

There is believability and character in this satire, as it sets a microcosmic example of the futility of politics when it is devoid of interest in the  very things that gives it meaning - people.

I think you will also give it up your vote.


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