Thellavarithe Guruvaram - Gets your goat


Thellavarithe Guruvaram
Telugu, 2021

Director: Manikanth Gelli

Stars Sri Simha, Misha Narang, Chitra Shukla, "Viva" Harsha

Mohan's Measure ⭐⭐

We get a pleasant surprise after reading the poorly written descriptions in IMDB. Despite some innuendo and some expected liquor use, Thellavarithe Guruvaram is a clean, family-friendly rom-com which has some comedic elements you can actually enjoy.

All the stars of the film give fairly good, albeit at times bland, performances in this imaginative tale of what happens when both the bride and groom runaway from their wedding.  They wind up sharing the reasons why, in a couple of long flashbacks.

Run away, however, is what you will want to do with the second half, where a sudden animal sacrifice comes into the plot, for literally no know reason or need.  Love is found, only after a near fatal accident with....a goat.

It is with this that my interest in a romantic comedy gave way to my saying, "baaa...humbug."


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