99 Songs - 90 are missing


99 Songs
Hindi, 2021

Directed by Vishwesh Krishnamoorthy

Ehan Bhat, Edilsy Vargas, Lisa Ray, Tanzin Dalha, Manisha Koraila, Ranjit Barot

Mohan's Measure

It is unbecoming of our conservative society; but it is highly likely that you all will relate to it.  99 Songs is a bad acid trip written and directed by people who were likely on bad acid at the time.

It is completely style; any substance in the film is rather expensive and results in an international crisis of criminal proportions. Its non-sequential order and surreal dream sequences only add to the desperation to create a story out of what is nothing more than the Indian music world's fantasies about its own looks and talents.

Ehan Bhat could be the next Ranbir Kapoor, his droopy eyes and sprayed-on razor stubble only worsening his walking around like a zombie trying to convince us he can act.  His two leading ladies are little more than goth eye-candy, and his nemesis is played by a man who wants to project himself as a clean cut version of Hariharan.

The editing is far from clean.  Choppy and at times painfully out of focus, it gives the impression we are watching some counter-culture film from the 60s.  My question is - where is the culture you are trying to counter??


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