47 Days - Gaslighting


47 Days
Telugu, 2020

Director: Pradeep Madalli

Stars: Satyadev, Pooja Jhaveri, Satya Prakash, Hari Teja, Srikanth Iyyengar

Mohan's Measure 🔆🔆🔆

A disillusioned cop working outside the roles; a beautiful femme fatale; haunting memories of justice unserved; and plenty of liquor and cigarettes.  The recipe for good film noir.

47 days exaggerates all of this in creating a somewhat weak, but nonetheless engaging, story of a Satya, a cop who struggles with paranoid schizophrenia after his wife's demise, and finds uncanny connections between her death and a case he is working on.

The movie works because of a fine set of actors who take on the roles well.  Most impressive are the two leads in creating a platonic but meaningful bond.  I like the fact there is no romance here; this is a straight-shooter story about a man of principles who is driven to be an instrument in serving a Higher Justice.  

By saying this, I do not mean any religion is brought in to the equation.  Good noir doesn't do that.  But, it suggests a Greater Good is in the machinery subtly, revealing itself as symbols and backgrounds, while never being spoken about.

In the end, as with all good noir, justice is served, and a real but delicate peace is offered...


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