Narappa - ruins the upholstery

Telugu, 2021

Director: Srikanth Addala 

Stars Venkatesh, Rakhi, Priyamani, Rao Ramesh, Ammu Abhirami, Nassar

Mohan's Measure

Seasoned actor Venkatesh has a pension for remakes, particularly after receiving accolades for his remake of A Wednesday and Drishyam.  But, after Narappa, we all could use a serious break. 

Like the previous films, Narappa is a scene by scene remake - with appropriate Telugu equivalent name changes - of a serious movie that Mr. Venkatesh plays out with ever so slight cynicism. This time the movie is Asuran, a gut wrenching presentation on caste and economic inequity which is resolved with bludgeoning and bloodshed. The worst part is that it ends simply, with noth sides agreeing to disagree, after splashing the screen for nearly with more ketchup than at every McD's in DFW.

Now, I will admit to not having seen Dhanush's original, and I probably won't, given my aversity to gut wrenching violence. However, I hear it is a much better film. And it would be, since caste and economic induced violence are serious issues in Tamil Nadu. Really; who would be able to justify bloodshed over the differences between a Tesla and a Porsche? If nothing else, it would ruin the upholstery. 


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