Thittum Irandu - Trans-forming your views


Thittum Irandu
(Plan B)
Tamil, 2021

Director Vignesh Karthick
Stars Aishwarya Rajesh, Subhash Selvam, Gokul Anand, Ananya Ramaprasad

Mohan's Measure

Those of us who see movies as an art form tend to focus on styles.  Like a work of fine art, each director, each genre, has certain unique patterns and stylistics which make a movie unique unto itself.  A lover of paintings understands this.  A Van Gogh and a Monet each are beautiful unto themselves.  If someone were to mix their two styles into a single painting the result would be disastrous.

Disastrous is understatement for Thittum Irandu.  Aishwarya Rajesh takes on the challenging role of a tough cop and a woman in love in what starts off being a cleverly put together whodunit.  We are glued to the screen up until...we discover...the mystery isn't a mystery after all.

We feel cheated.  After all, the movie has all the writing, acting, and style of a good mystery.  But, it closes telling us, and the rest of the known world, that the whole thing was a stunt.  All to provide a social message that could have better ended a romantic drama.  It feels as if the screenwriter ran out of story and just patched something on to bring everything to closure.

Close the book on your plans to watch this.


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