Lawyer Vishwanath - Shades of Pink


Lawyer Vishwanath
2021, Telugu

Director - V Bala Nageswara Rao

Stars - Ali, Niya Sankranthil, Juverla, Jayalalitha

Like Vivek in Nanban, comedian Ali has set out to put himself in serious role in this courtroom drama.  And, like him, he has been put in the unfortunate place of attempting to provide good acting in a very weak plot.

Lawyer Vishwanath, however, is a very timely tale, taking a stand on the influence that social media has on inducing violence in the masses.  But, the way the story plays, out is too convoluted to be convincing anyone.

The story, as told, is of a committed lawyer who decides to reopen the cases of convicted molesters and rapists in an effort to show how all their misdeeds are due to their having access to this information on social media.   It plays out, however, like a soap opera, with melodrama, rather than fact, being presented to Ali's character's over the top soliloquy.

The whole thing takes it down to rock bottom.

Mohan's Measure ⭐


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