Padhinetta Padi - Ants and Uncle

Padhinettam Padi
2019, Malayalam 

Shanker Ramakrishnan – director 

Akshay Radhakrishnan – Ayyappan
Ashwin Gopinath – Ashwin
Chandunath – Joy
Harini –. Anna
Mammooty – John Abraham 

The West has a frightening word for this taboo way of thinking – liberation theology. It is seen as religion falling prey to Communism. But in the East, isn't it how most of us would like to think, our spiritual connection being only used as a tool social service and activism.

The wtiter/director would like us to think so, and the movie tells us of how twelve young men, led by Ashwin, inspired by one who is more prophet than man, awakens it in them.

Mr. Mammooty takes his extended cameo and turns it into the reason to watch this movie.  He reminds us of Rajnikanth from Pettai, perhaps a little to much so.
But, after a cavalcade of characters and cameo appearances, even trite imitation is welcome.

Mohan's Measure ⭐⭐


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