Pushpaka Vimanam - Honeymoon Jitters


Pushpaka Vimanam
2021, Telugu
Director - Damodara
Stars -  Anand Devarokonda, Geeth Saini, Saanve Megghana, Sunil, Naresh
Mohan's Measure ⭐⭐
Take your pick, gloomy noir or quirky romantic comedy.  Pushpaka Vimanam struggles with this identity crisis throughout the movie, but somehow they pull it off.
Anand Devarakonda carries this film with his understated, sad sack, acting about an innocent guy who winds up saying exactly the wrong thing on his wedding night, leading his wife to leave him.  He finds both solace and insults in the quirky cast of characters who are trying to help him find her, and simultaneously hide the fact she is missing.  The twist to the story is she winds up found...quite dead.
Although the plot keeps you engaged, there is something not quite right in the way the story is being delivered.  There are too many holes, too many suspects, leading to a very trite ending.  Then there is Sunil, who just cannot break his new typecast in Kanabadatuledu.  He is just too sulking, too noir, for something which is supposed to include comedy.
While the comedy may not be zany, the way the movie plays out leaves you a bit loopy.


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