Panchatantra Kathalu - animal kingdom

Panchatantra Kathalu
2022, Telugu

Director - ​​Ganganamoni Shekar

Stars - Nihal, Sadiya Anwar, Pranita Patnaik, Ajay Kathurvar, Nandini Rai, Noel Sean, Sai Ronak, Geetha Bhaskar

Mohan's Measure

Remember all the anthologies from the COVID years? Multiple directors pooled their respective resources and created small vignettes around a common theme.
First time Director Shekhar attempts to do the same in Panchatantra Kathalu. I stress the word attempts, because he has failed, miserably. 

The plots are thinner than a balding man's hair, the acting is stale as day old doughnuts, and the editing is choppier than a butcher's block.

It is, of course, the fault of how Telugu movies are made, with storyboard taking precedence over script, and style being more important than substance. This is particularly true in the third story, where an extramarital affair is justified by making the spouse an undeserving loser, while the lover is portrayed as some icon of maleness. 

Add to this needless explanations about everything that's going on, and you have the making of yet another ridiculously bad Telugu movie.


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