Wedding Season - "Beta" Test

Wedding Season
2022, English

Director - Tom Dey

Stars - Pallavi Sharda, Suraj Sharma, Rizwan Manji, Ariana Afsar, Sean Kleir, Veena Sood, Manoj Sood

Mohan's Measure ⭐⭐⭐

The last surviving testimony to their heritage for next--gen Indian Americans is the wedding. Yes, the big, flashy, ridiculously expensive, drunken fiascos that are somehow supposed to mark a sacred event are probably the only things your  grandchildren will identify with. This in spite of all that we have done and continue to do to preserve our cultures, languages, religion and arts here.

For Asha Maurya, the Summer long travels to dance and booze the night away in stereotypical hotel ballrooms comes with a price; that she not be asked about her own wedding plans. Ms. Sharda plays Asha with class. Their are moments we are reminded of Sonam Kapoor in her style and demeanor. She is neither girl next door nor worldy wise diva, but is somewhere comfortably in between.

However, there is something a little flighty in Suraj Sharma's portrayal of Ravi. There is a feeling that he is not quite understanding his character,and I could see how the script could mislead him.

While some of the conversations are trite and stereotypical, the quirky side characters, believable locations, and realistic romance make this rom-com bring both a chuckle and that certain heart warming feeling. Still not enough for me, though, to learn Bollywood dance. 


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