Saakini Daakini - train the trainer

Saakini Daakini
Telugu, 2022

Director Sudheer Karma

Stars Nivetha Thomas, Regina Cassandra, Bhanu Chander, Amit Tiwari, Prudhviraj

Mohan's Measure ⭐⭐⭐⭐

There is a strong message at the heart of Saakini Daakini, perhaps intended to be told to audiences here as much as in India. We live in a world where the rights of women, where their deserving treatment and respect as human beings, now somehow rests in the decisions of a handful of selfish men, whose personal interests outweigh their obligations. While the plot resembles that of Mardani, Saakini Daakini is told in such a unique way, as an Action Comedy. 

It relies largely on the charm of the two leads, one a tough tomboy type, the other a pampered daughter who is expected to follow in her parents' footsteps. These two meet as Police trainees, where they learn their earnest desire to help is what makes both of them, as women, superior to the code driven, often disattached males. 

While both up and coming actresses give stellar performances, it is Ms. Thomas who steals the show with her tough talk and even tougher actions. Ms. Cassandra, however, often struggles with facial expressions to convey genuine emotion. But because this is a comedy, the contrast works. 

What brings out the message is the behavior of the men.  Whether villain or hero, the condescending attitude and chauvinism are clearly visible. Women are objects of lust or hate, and no man is truly free of this savagery. 

Let's put aside our own biases in watching a well directed and highly entertaining motion picture. 


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