Raangi - May - December

2022, Tamil
Director M. Saravanan
Stars Trisha, Bekzod Abdumalikov, Anaswara Rajan, Lizzie Antony, John Mahendran

Mohan's Measure

Raangi is not only a female-centric film, it is, in part,  a feminist film.  It spends its first half pontificating how men are pigs, emphasing Brahmin men in a telling scene. Ace journalist Thaiyil Nayagi holds this to our heads like a loaded gun. She works for an online paper called, of all things, Anti India, and she is out for war. 

That is until a true gentleman is found, and he owns several guns. For he happens to be a 17 year old terrorist in Libya, who is truly at war. The feminist is smitten, enough to drag a 16 year old girl to one of the most dangerous countries on earth. 

No room for pontificating  here. But there is room for FBI agents to prove to us just how ugly Americans are. However, they are no match for our one woman army and her super human maneuvers. 

It's a whole new definition of the power of the press. And, it's awful. 


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