Elephant Whisperers - family trees

Elephant Whisperers 
Tamil, 2022
Director: Ms. Kartiki Gonsalves

Stars Bomman, Bellie, Raghu, Ammu

Mohan's Measure ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Jai Ho! Indians around the world are still beaming with pride, waiting impatiently for the next "traditional" wedding, where all can join together and "Naatu Naatu."I have learned nearly 10 million dollars were spent just on advertising to make this movie, and now most popular song known to all.

Behind all the hype is the other Indian winner. Hardly any money was spent in India, leave alone advertising. The movie won in a hardly talked about category, none of the actors could attend for understandable reasons. And being just under 45 minutes long, there was no other place other than OTT where it could be shown.

Yet this movie has a lot to say, about an ancient way of life, the beauty of the human heart, and the divinity in nature. Such ideas are found in the universal vision of spiritual humanism that the modern day world calls the Tamil Tradition.

Through the life of a very special family we learn directly of how family is more about emotion than biology, and how all life is connected through affection. It reminds us of how the Sacred is all around us, and how happiness is found in cherishing every moment.

Presented as a documentary on actual events, Elephant Whisperers is a quiet, serene meditation on love and the bonds of family that can make the most unique situations into beautiful poetry.


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