Missing - stranger and stranger

2021, Telugu

Director Srini Josyula

Stars - Harsha Narra, Nikkesha, Misha Narang, Ram Dutt

Mohan's Measure

Anniyan means stranger in Tamil, and it is the name of a 2006 eccentric comedy thriller about a man who has multiple personality disorder. The movie plays in the background in critical scenes in Missing, a futile attempt at convincing us that the lead character suffers from the same. His scatterbrained acting and ridiculous screams are hardly convincing. Nor too the confusing flashbacks and fight scenes that highlight his other identities. 

The only thing we know is that two equally amateur actors are the respective leading ladies from his identities, and one of them is missing from the scene of an accident. 

People who should be playing important roles, like the missing girl's desperately worried parents, are seen and then disappear from the plot.  The heroic cop who is investigating is there on and off, as too the investigate reporter and former love interest,  who offers hardly more than a blank stare during her brief appearances. 

The entire screen belongs largely to our dopey hero, and like a stagefrightened teenager in a school play he doesn't know what to do. 

Neither do we in trying to make  for such an awful movie. 


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