Rana Naidu - The straw that broke it.


Rana Naidu
2023, Hindi
Directors - Suparna Verma, Karan Anshuman

Stars - Rana, Venkatesh, Anuj Khurana and a whole bunch of other people we don't care to know

Mohan's Measure - a special place in the netherworlds

benedic mihi pater, quia peccavi!!

Opus Dei's punishments aren't enough to take the anger out of my mind or the queasiness out of my stomach.  I had warned readers years ago when a movie called Arjun Reddy came out as to just where the sick minds in Tollywood were going.  Netflix's Rana Naidu is quod erat demonstrandum.

There should be remittances made for the emotional suffering people having this last name will go through for such barbarism done in their name.  Rana Naidu is not a Hindi movie, not a Telugu movie, it is through and through a porn movie.  If you think the cuss words are bad, then try and sit through the open displays of animal-like sex, hetero- and otherwise, that seem to be the only reason this series has been made.  These people aren't Naidus, they're rakshasas!

I don't think the Telugu audiences will look at the Daggubati family the same way, again.  And, even in watching just one episode of this smut, I realize the truth - television poisons the mind corrupts the soul.

Now where did I leave those spiked chains...

inpam kadalmatruk kaamam aqdhatungaal thunpam adhanir peridhu - Thirukkural


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