Yaanai Mugathaan - elephant in the room

Yaanai Mugathaan 
2022, Tamil 

Director -  Rejishh Midhila

Stars - Ramesh Tilak, Yogi Babu, Urvashi, Karunakaran, Uday Chandra

Mohan's Measure ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Much as though they hate to admit it, no one claiming connection to Tamil culture could truly be an atheist. The earthy, richly woven connection to the Sacred is practically part of one's DNA. So, it makes me wonder why the protagonist of this movie, a North Madras rowdy, winds up all the way in Rajasthan to discover God.

Indeed, this whole North Indian sojourn took away time from Yogi Babu and Urvashi, whose comedy talents are really what this movie should have been about. 

But, it seems Piilaiyar feels the only way to reform his devotee is to make him undergo an existential crisis. And, we the audience are there right there with him, so much so, that we join the director in not making any connection to the opening scenes of the movie.

For his part, Ramesh Tilak reminds us of Priyadarshi or Rahul Ramakrishna from low budget Telugu movies, and his need for chosen deity seems oddly out of place for a con artist. But, it seems that this is what the movie wants to convey - even the coldest of people have a heart somewhere, and the mere acceptance of the Sacred is our life can bring a world of good.

If only someone could remind the director about those opening scenes.


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