Khorra - Lost in the Fog

Hindi Web Series, 2023

Directed by Randeep Jha

Stars Suvinder Vicky. Barun Sobti, Rachel Shelley, Ekavalli Khanna

Mohan's Measure ⭐⭐

Inspired by the Bhakthi Movement, Sikhism is a school of thought emphasizing family, fidelity, honor and community service in reverence for a monotheistic deity who is known only through the words of saints. 

A storybook tale is not Kohrra is about. It is a dark noir about lust, greed, power and murder set in the farming areas of what is supposed to be the picturesque state of Punjab.  What our eyes are treated to, however,  are foggy days, the dark of night and grimy police stations.  The Netflix series starts off as a whodunit, an investigation of the brutal murder of an expatriate Indian man hours before his wedding.  But it quickly deteriorates into a psychological  study of the shady side of the human condition. 

Such savagery plays itself out in far too American ways,  however to the point that it is unconvincing. The acting is forced and amateurish. Mr. Vicky as the lonely comes across as morose rather than disillusioned. His relationship with his informer's wife is acted out like a high school play, both actors completely uncomfortable with their respective roles. And the rest of the cast can do little than speak their lines by rote. 

Unfortunately, the folks at Netflix that to make a story work, it has to be sensitive to the overarching framework of the culture involved. Else, everything feels shallow and artificial. 

Until they figure it out, even we the audience find ourselves lost in the fog. 


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