Varkari - the long road


2023, Documentary, English, Tamil, Marathi

Director: Soujanya Sridharan

Mohan's Measure ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Tracing its roots back to the earliest of Tamil Literatures, Vaishnavism is arguably the oldest theistic tradition on earth.  From the Azhwar hymns, we are told of a All-Loving, All-Nurturing Principle called in Tamil as Thirumaal, the One Who Has Utmost Concern for us.  Such a Loving Deity is able to connect with anyone, regardless of caste, gender, or station in life.

Needless to say such a movement would change the face of South Asia forever, and in Maharashatra, it became Varkaari.  Literally meaning making the act of traveling, Varkaris take an annual pilgrimage from remote villages to the temple of their Chosen Deity, Panduranga Vittal and His Consort Rakumabhai. The pilgrimage brings horses, chariots, processional images, and people from throughout the State together with one aim, to be at Pandharpur by Ashada Powrnamil for the great festival celebrating the arrival of the Marathi Vaishnava Saints to see the Divine Couple.

The beautifully presented cinematography of this documentary brings us to the faces, smiles, laughter, and sometimes frustration of engaging in the long pilgrimage which brings thousands of people together in a disciplined but fun-filled sojourn through the towns and villages that dot the land to wind up in one place Varkari, the town that bears the name of the tradition.

Despite occasional redundancy in scenes this documentary takes us into a world long forgotten by the so-called rationalism of Western Civilization.  Through narration and explanation by sages, the movie tells the amazing tale of a people who make a long and arduous journey not to see the temple, not to engage in penance, not even to enter heaven, but merely to be together, a fundamental idea which is the true mark of a civilized society.


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