Month of Madhu - booze and snooze

Month of Madhu
2023, Telugu

Director: Srikanth Nagothi

Cast: Naveen Chandra, Swathi Reddy, Shreya Naville

Mohan's Measure: ⭐

There is one conclusion we come to after watching Month of Madhu. A month is a helluva long time.

Even the two plus hours this month is squeezed into is long, watching this piece of garbage being sold as an art film.

The story darts between the present day coming of age of an ABCD girl in Wyzag and flashbacks of Swathi Reddy's failing marriage. The common link is the drunken drug addict between them.

All the cool words are used here, even lesbian-like crushes are brought to the fore. All this to ridiculously heavy accents of Tollywood actors and equally ridiculous stereotypes about the loose morals of American raised teens.

All this brought to us by one of the least ethical societies on the face of the Earth. Sold to us as class, to me it's a pain in the...


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