Minus 31 - if anyone is keeping score

Minus 31
2023, Hindi

Director: Pratik Moitro

Stars: Rucha Inamdar, Snivankit Singh Parihar, Jaya Bhattacharya

Mohan's Measure

Minus 31 wants to be a lot of things to a lot of people, so, it winds up being nothing. It touts itself as a neo-noir thriller. While the hip hop music is neo, there are none of the elements of noir in it.

It wants to appeal to the younger crowd, but it's hip-hop is campy.  Then, of course, there is the female centric element. The plot spends so much time in trying to convince us the cop is female, it detracts from the plot.

Lastly it is set during the COVID lockdown, but the masks are little more than a gimmick. Overall the title gives away its rating, as well as it profits.


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